Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good Morning Everyone!

Well we have made it half way through the week...wooohooooo and the weekend is in sight!!   We woke up to much cooler temperatures this morning.  It is really starting to feel like autumn now!   We even have a slight chance of rain and snow tonight into tomorrow morning.  I still think that it is a little to early in the season to start thinking about snow.  That really makes me want to dig out the xmas decorations.

Anywhore, a friend that i have known for over , lets just say a very long time, called me yesterday and is going to be in my neck of the woods today and is hoping to stop by for a visit.  We haven't spoke for about three months because when i last spoke to her I realized that she is one of those republicans who is not informed.  She doesn't watch the news, she doesn't read online articles or the paper.  She has no idea what is going on, she is just a republican.  Which makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever.  So if she does make it over to the house today for a visit, I plan on tryng to speak to her about it one more time.  I have always had the saying, "if you don't know enough about a particle thing/opinion to be able to defend why you believe in it, then you shouldnt have an opinion to begin with."   So we will see how it goes.

Hope that everyone has an amazing day and I will see you guys later.  Be Safe!!!

Huggles and Rainbows,

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