Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chaz Bono Voted Off Dancing With The Stars Last Night

It had been a very good run, which many skeptics never thought would make it past first or second week.  While others foresaw the end of days if he was allowed to cha-cha!   Chaz Bono did more for the LGBT community than many of us may ever know.  I personally felt very inspired to see him stand in front of microphones and say, ' This is who I am and there are many more just like me.  We have no issues, it is all of you who have the issues.'  I applaud him and wish him all the best in everything that he does.  Here is what he said last night after being voted off the show;

"I took so much away from this. This was an amazing journey that really pushed me and showed me that I could do so much more than I ever thought I could. I came on this show because I wanted to show America a different kind of man. If there was somebody like me on TV when I was growing up, my whole life would have been different. And so I dedicated everything I did to all the people out there like me and especially to kids and teens who are struggling. You can have a wonderful, great life and be successful and happy."

Bruno Tonioli, the very outspoken judge on DWTS had this to say about Chaz's tango performance the night before;

"It was like watching a cute little penguin trying to be a big menacing bird of prey. This is the truth: It has to be menacing. Dark. Dangerous. Naughty. The tango wants to be driven continuously. It is hard. It's very difficult. To me, this character didn't fit you."

And of course where would any of us be without the love and support of Mama Cher! She tweeted this last night after the results;

"I Have Got 2Hold my TEMPER ! MY Tears R OK ! Congratulations Chaz I'm SO PROUD OF U ! This was YOUR Quest...& u Followed your Star"

Chaz you deserve all the standing ovations for dancing your way through all the controversy and hate. You are truly a role model for many. Congratulations

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