Friday, May 4, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!!! T.G.I.F.!!!

Good morning everyone!!   I hope that everyone is having a great morning and that this past week is winding down to a wonderful end!!  

I was so tired last night, I don't even remember falling into bed!   I slept like a bear (no pun intended) ! hehe

My father is having some complications and is going to re-visit the surgeon today regarding the surgery he had a couple of weeks ago.  I have my fingers crossed that everything turns out ok.  And of course while the family is in town, I'm sure that they will stop by to see the new house which is still mountains of un-arranged furniture and millions of half unpacked boxes.  LOL  but I guess I will just have to walk them thru my vision for the house and hope that they can see past all the heaps of packing paper.

I think the hubby and I are going to try and take a much needed break this evening and have a nice dinner and go see the new 'Avengers' movie.   I think a little down time will be nice and very very needed!!

Anywho, have a wonderful day and I hope that your weekend gets off to a awesome start.  Talk at ya laters.



1 comment:

  1. You and Hubby should take a break've been going through alot and I am sure you need it!


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