Thursday, April 5, 2012

New York Times Rips NOM A New One!!!

The New York Times did an editorial pointing out all the shady craptastic thing that NOM (National Organization of Marriage) has been doing especially once the documents were unsealed in Maine.  The more light that is shined on this organization the more the rodents will go scurrying away!!!

When a light is shined into the dark corners of American politics, it’s never pleasant to see what scurries away. Last week, a federal judge in Maine unsealed memos from the National Organization for Marriage, one of the most prominent groups fighting against same-sex marriage. [snip]

The documents brag about its “crucial” role in passage of Proposition 8, California’s ban on same-sex marriage that was overturned by a federal appeals court. They describe the group’s use of “robo-calls” to scare residents in different states away from supporting marriage equality. They talk of a plan to “expose Obama as a social radical,” but the most appalling portions deal with the group’s racially and ethnically divisive strategies. [snip]

Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have publicly aligned themselves with the group and signed its pledge to work aggressively from the White House against same-sex marriage. Now that the group’s poisonous political approach is out in the open, Mr. Romney and the others should be racing to make clear their disapproval. We detect no stampede.

via JMG

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