Saturday, March 24, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!

Good morning everyone!!   I hope that you are having a great morning and that your weekend is off to a great start!!  As I stated yesterday, the hubby and I went see the movie 'The Hunger Games'.  The movie although it had a few changes from the book, was very very good.   We decided to go to the early show thinking that it would be fairly empty since school is in session.   Little did we know, that a local Junior High School had been having a contest in regard to reading the books and projects regarding the show...thus the place was packed with kids.  Other than the open mouth smacking of popcorn and a few cell phone texts during the movie, they were pretty well behaved.  I still highly recommend that you read the books, but definitely see the movie as well. It was really well done!!

Anywho, thanks again for stopping by and checking out the blog.   Please be sure to visit our FACEBOOK page that we have just started and if you like it be sure and "like" it  LOL!   We hope to be making some changes to the layout of the blog this week as well as get a twitter started as well...I think everyone should have some rainbow colored twats during their day....wait I don't think I said that right?????

Have a great day and weekend.



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