Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Most Awesome Idea EVAAAA!!! The Cell Phone Stack!

I saw this over at my buddy DustBunny's blog and I think it is a fantabulous idea!!   I simply had to share!!

Here's a great way to have a fabulous dinner with friends ... WITHOUT the distraction of telephone calls, texts, tweets, emails, etc. (via Kempt)...

It works like this: as you arrive, each person places their phone face down in the center of the table. As the meal goes on, you’ll hear various texts and emails arriving… and you’ll do absolutely nothing. You’ll face temptation—maybe even a few involuntary reaches toward the middle of the table—but you’ll be bound by the single, all-important rule of the phone stack.

Whoever picks up their phone is footing the bill.

1 comment:

  1. That is a cool Idea! One of my buddies, when he has a party makes everyone leave their phones in a basket by the door. If anyone goes for their phone...they are asked to leave.


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