Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Morning Wood!!

Good morning everyone, I hope that you day is starting off wonderfully!!  I have a huge cup of coffee and am ready to get this day started!!  But first can we talk about that football game last night?  Or maybe the lack of a football game!  I seriously believe that someone forgot to tell LSU that there was a game last night because they never showed up!!!   Being from Oklahoma, I of course thought that OSU should have played in the National Championship game since Alabama and LSU had already played during regular season...but then again  who am I??  Anywho...congrats to the Crimson!  They played their jocks off last night!!  OOOH now there is a thought!!

Anyslut, LOL  I hope that you have a fabulous day!  Thanks again for popping in to check on me!



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