Monday, January 23, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!

Good morning everyone!   It is a new week and time to get to it!!   I pulled out the espresso machine this morning and made myself a huge caramel macchiato and I am enjoying it so much!  Of course, it is so delicious it will be gone before I know it and then I will probably have to made a small pot of coffee to get me through the rest of the morning.  How did people function in the mornings before there was coffee???  Anyways, the hubby and I went to the movies last night and saw "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo".  It was a pretty good movie.  I must admit that I have not read the books or seen the original movie, so I have nothing to compare it too.  I still enjoyed it and well lets admit it...2 and a half hours of Daniel Craig can never be a bad thing!! The hubby said that they did a very good job of interpretting the book and he is looking forward to the second movie.

Anyslut, I hope that your week starts out absolutely marvelous and that you have a wonderful day.  Thanks again for stopping by my little cake sprinkled covered corner of the blogosphere.  Be sure and send an email if there is something you would like to see.



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