Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!

Good morning everyone!!   I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend!  I sure am!   I am sitting here with my big cup of coffee and reading myself to spend some time this morning visiting all of my favorite blogs!  But first, unfortunately I have to read a news story and try to figure out exactly how a three time adulterer can continue to rise in power in this country and be a beacon of hope for all of christianity and yet I am still considered a second class citizen???   Makes no sense to me but hopefully someone has written something that will explain these great mysteries.

Anywhore,  the hubby and I didn't make it to the theatre yesterday to see 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' was just to busy with being lazy.  We did however watch the movie 'Anonymous' which is the story of William Shakespear and the theory that he wasn't actually the writer and creator of some of the greatest plays in history.  It was a really good movie and we really enjoyed it.

Hope that you have a fabulous day and make the best of what little is left of this weekend.



1 comment:

  1. Don't try and figure it out. These are Republicans, whatever they do makes no sense.
    Get out and see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a super film!


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