Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dear Sweet Baby Jeebus .... Say It Ain't So!!!

Via multiple sources, Lindsey Lohan is in negotiations to play the part of Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime TV movie called 'Elizabeth & Richard: A Love Story'.   Yes you read that right, Wackadoodle Lohan is being considered to portray one of the biggest Hollywood icons, Eliabeth Freakin Taylor!!   Here is what Deadline had to say regarding this nightmare from hell;

After emulating Marilyn Monroe in a series of photo shoots, most recently for Playboy, Lindsay Lohan may be taking on another screen legend, Elizabeth Taylor. I have learned that the 25-year-old actress is in early talks for the female lead in Lifetime’s original movie Elizabeth & Richard: A Love Story, chronicling the enduring love of movie icons Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, whose fiery romance was the most notorious, publicized and celebrated love affair of its day. The film, produced by Larry Thompson (Amish Grace) and written by Christopher Monger (Temple Grandin), was originally announced as part as Lifetime’s 2011-12 development slate … Lohan has been compared to Taylor. In addition to their physical resemblance, a 2004 Slate story lists a host of other similarities: “Both had domineering stage mothers, little semblance of a real childhood, fame from a young age, substance abuse issues, public emotional outpourings, and copious amounts of tabloid drama. The key difference, though, is that Elizabeth Taylor had a true record of achievement before she became the most notorious movie star in America.”

If Lohan is seriously considering this part, although her past has proven that she takes very little serious even when under the threat of jail time, I would recommend that she hire acting coaches and submerse herself in this role.  If she doesn't pull this off, and I doubt Vegas is taking bets, the backlash will be UUUGGGAAALLLYYY!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lordy! Say it isn't so... Rumor has it, she's also being considered for the remake of Stephen King's "Carrie." Ugh!! I'm tempted to say, she couldn't handle either one - acting lessons or not!


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