Thursday, November 10, 2011

NOM Responds To Mark Morford's Article

Yesterday, I posted a portion of an article and a link to the complete article that was published in the San Francisco Chronicle by author Mark Morford.  Today, NOM has responded on their blog in regard to the article, saying;

Mark Monford's sophomoric rant in the San Francisco Chronicle does one thing well: it proves our point that many who are intent on redefining marriage are also deeply committed to marginalizing, stigmatizing and demonizing people who believe in marriage.

Really??  Seriously?  These douchnozzles really need to buy a sense of humor.  I mean, honestly?  Perhaps they missed the 7th grade literature lesson when "satyr" was discussed.  Anywho, I am tired of every time the gay community stands up for its "god-given" rights, they scream foul and bullying.  At least Mark's words were 'tongue-in-cheek' and I hardly think that the average reader would find them comparable to the normal hatred and bigotry that is spewed from the mouths of those at NOM.

via DanNation

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