Friday, November 11, 2011

Morning Wood!!

Good morning everyone!!  We have officially made it to the weekend...wooohooo!!   I am getting a slow start this morning.  Just kicked back and watched some TV with my morning coffee, answered some emails and got caught up on some paperwork that I needed to get done.   I hope that all of you have had a relaxing morning and a great start to what will be a fabulous weekend.   I know that it is early (Bob) but I am going to try to put up the xmas tree this weekend.  Have some very busy weekends ahead and doesn't look like I will have an empty weekend till way closer to xmas, so now is the only time.   Plus as you know, I am a serious xmas freak so I'm sure your amazed that I have been able to last this long, especially when we got 6 inches of snow a couple of weeks ago.  Anywho, I hope that you have a great day and a fabulous weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your "morning wood" photos.
    It is funny. when I was growing up, no one put up their xmas tree until Christmas Eve... things have changed!


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