Monday, October 24, 2011

Morning Wood!!

Hope that everyone has a wonderful start to what will be a fabulous week!!  I had a very nice weekend of snuggling on the couch with the hubby as much as possible and catching up on TV shows that we have missed or decided to wait on watching till we could see them together.  Was very nice!   I did get to catch the first episode of "Once Upon A Time' last night and it was really good.  I am very interested to see how they take the storyline and introduce all of the fairy tale characters.  

I also have decided that it is time for me to shed some pounds.  I quite smoking a year ago this month and well I kinda let the weight go while I quit the smoking and now it is time to start working on the waist and stomach.  I went to Barnes & Noble and found a really good diet/cookbook by Rocco Dispirito.  He is so delicious looking that i wonder how many calories and grams of fat he is if i chose him as my midday snack.  
Anywhore, I had scrambled eggs with salmon for breakfast and it was very yummy.  We will see how it goes.  

Hope everyone has a great day and will see you guys laters.   Huggs and sprinkles.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice weekend. Once Upon A Time was good ...odd, but good.


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