Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Answer Me This New Hampshire Legislature?

15 months ago, the then democratic held legislature in the State of New Hampshire passed marriage equality for all.  Giving same-sex couples in the state equal rights to love and marry who they wished.  Now flash forward 15 months, and today the predominately republican held legislature in the house judiciary committee passed with a vote of 11-6 recommending that the gay marriage law be wiped from the law books.  Why?  

Even more history, the state originally in 2007 passed a civil unions bill giving gays the right to civil unions but then felt that wasn't enough and later passed a bill for marriage equality.   Now if this bill voted on today passes the house when voted on in January and then later in the senate, it would effectively wipe both civil unions and marriage laws from the records.  Why?

These are elected officials whose job is to manage the government as the people of the counties/parishes or areas that elected them want to be represented.  Right?  Am I missing something here?  Then riddle me this?  Why are they trying to wipe marriage equality from the records when well over half of the citizens of New Hampshire who have been polled do not want it stricken?  They do not oppose marriage equality?

So once again New Hampshire legislature, I ask ....   Why?

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