Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11 - I Love You!

It is still after 10 years way to painful to recount the memories of that day.  The television and internet will be inundated with coverage today and I just know that for me it is still way to raw.  I didn't lose a friend or loved one per se, but in my eyes we are all children of this earth who are bound together in some way.  I believe in the theory of six degrees of separation so I feel a very strong connection when things like this happen.

I saw a video the other day, and unfortunately I lost the link to it.  But it told the story of an elderly man who was retired from the NYFD and he had one son who also worked for the NYFD and another son who worked for the NYPD.  Both sons called him every day.  One son would call in the morning before he went to work and the other son would call at night before he went to bed.

The father recounted that on the night of September 10th, his one son called and they talked briefly and then the son said "Well dad, I need to go.  I love you."  The father replied, "I love you too, son."  The next morning, the phone rang and it was his other son.  Again they spoke briefly and then the son said.  "Gotta get to work dad.  I love you" Again the father replied, "I love you too, son."

A few hours later, both sons rushed into the burning buildings to help save lives, and in doing so they both perished.

The father said that it wasn't the fact that he lost both of his sons on 9/11 that he will always remember.  It will be that he knows that there are not many parents in the world who get the opportunity to have the last words spoken to their child  be, I love you too.

That is what I will ponder today as I remember 9/11.  The fact that there were way to many people, whose opportunity to tell a loved one or a friend that they love them taken away.  Tomorrow is never promised so be sure that today in remembrance of all those lost, you tell as many people who are important in your life, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.
    A reminder that we should never have regrets. Tell the people that you love that you love them. Every day. Every time you speak.


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