Thursday, September 1, 2011

DWTS Producers Nix Same-Sex Dance Partners

This season DWTS, Dancing with the Stars, will have both a gay man (Carson Kressley) and a transgender man (Chaz Bono).  However, once again the producers have stated that they will not allow same-sex dance partners on the show.  I think after 13 very successful seasons it is time for this show to make a statement and finally allow same-sex dance partners.

"Not going to happen." said executive producer Conrad Green.
"We've discussed (such) pairings in the past," he continued, perhaps referring to the offer made to Portia DeGeneres in 2010 for the real-life Mrs. Ellen DeGeneres to be paired with a woman on the show.  (DeGeneres said no).  "But the traditional role in ballroom (dancing) is for men to have a female partner, so that's what we'll do."
"The question goes to the heart of what professional-style dancing is.  In clubs or on private occassions, without judges or cameras, same-sex dance partners are no big deal.  But when it comes to the formalized expression of dance", says senior producer Deena Katz," it's a different story."
"I'm surprised when people get upset about the partnering." she said.  "This is not a social dancing show, it's a dancing competition.  A man should dance with a soman, no matter what your sexual orientation, in ballroom. If I'd put Chaz with Mark (Ballas), for example, it would have looked like I was trying to make controversy.  We're not setting people up on dates."
"On our show, a man dances with a woman," she stated.  There's a male part to the dance -- he's the picture frame -- and the woman is the picture.  Never say never, but it really is about a man and a woman doing those dances together."

Once again it is that same tired ole argument that everything is only suppose to be between a man and a woman.  Seriously, step into the 21st century and also, this show is on freakin ABC?!?!?   WTH??

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