Monday, September 12, 2011

Biggest Applause Of The Night Goes To: Let The Uninsured Die

When I watched this video clip from tonight's republicant debates, I was instantly reminded of the conversation that Scrooge, from Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" has with the two gentlemen who are asking for donations for the poor and destitute.  Mr. Scrooge asks them if there are no more prisons or the workhouses no longer operational.   The two gentlemen reply that they are very much in operation.  Mr Scrooge says that the poor should then go there.  When the two men say that people would rather die than go to prison or the workhouses.  Scrooge then suggests that if they would rather die than they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.

I am far from being considered in the class of the wealthy and in the times that we live in today, I consider myself very fortunate to have a roof over my head and food to eat.  I look at the people that you see daily who have far less than I do and I think to myself that there but for the grace of God.  I consider myself very lucky and grateful to have what little that I do have.

While these douchnozzles stand on stage with an absolute utter lack of humbleness.  These people need a good dose of humble!!  I believe that is what Scrooge was given that night and I recommend that these people receive a heaping serving of it as well!!

via joemygod


  1. The GOP and its constituents are vile disgusting people.

  2. The living embodiment of evil. The stark opposite of the 'Christianity' they purport to support. A disgrace to humanity.


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