Friday, September 23, 2011

Audience Boos Gay Soldier At GOP Debate

Is this shocking?  Not really.  Is this appalling?  Abso-fuckin-lutely!   There have been three GOP debates thus far and in these debates, we have had cheers for the death penalty, cheers for letting people die who have no health insurance and now boos for gay soldiers that are actively serving in the military.  I am learning more in regard to the GOP from the audience than I am from the people on the stage.

Do we really need to bring back up the issue, that these stupid douchnozzle teabaggers whose entire platform is the sanctity of the constitution boos a gay soldier who is at this very moment in harms way, fighting to protect the freedoms that these asshats are supposedly trying to "protect".

The question was posed to Frothy Santorum, who answered this thru waves of applause (uggh);

"Any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.  And the fact that they are making it a point to include it as a provision within the military - that we are going to recognize a group of people and give them a special privilege, I think tries to inject social policy into the military and the military's job is to defend our country.  We need to give the military, which is all volunteer, the ability to do as in a way that is most efficient and protective of our men and women in uniform and I believe this undermines that ability."  (snip)   "What we're doing right now is playing social experimentation with our military right now, and that's tragic.  Going forward we would re institute that policy..."

I do hope that many of the not so far right republicants are seeing this stupidity and are starting to question these asshats actions as well.   I really hope that these stunts come back to haunt them come next year.

1 comment:

  1. Sickening.
    I wrote about this, too, and about the GOP.
    It'll go up at ISBL later today.


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