Monday, August 8, 2011

Totally Shocked

I really am not sure what to name this post.   It is hinging between;  "What the F*ck British People" or "WTG Air France!" 

Joseph Kanute, is a 43 year old gay man from Cameroon, who last November escaped to the U.K. and requested asylum due to being gay and facing up to 5 years in prison in his country for being so.  However, the British government denied his request for asylum, fast tracked him thru appeals and he has been in detention ever since February.  In May, the authorities first tried to have him deported back to his home country but the pilot refused to allow him to board the plane citing,  due to disruption.  In June and again two days ago,  the pilot refused to allow Mr. Kanute to board the Air France plane due to disruption.   

I cannot believe that the British government is not allowing this man asylum when the conditions of the LGBT in Cameroon is very well known.  This nation is famous for routinely subjecting men accused of sodomy to years of legal battles and the conditions for imprisoned gay men is deplorable.  LGBT prisoners are often beaten and sexually assaulted by other prisoners and it is often encouraged by the prison staff. 

I understand the arguments between the LBGT community and anti-gay backers in our country, however when a country takes it to torture and false imprisonment, countries need to step up and allow asylum.  Forced deportation back to these types of conditions are simply not acceptable in today's times and are inhuman.  I also do not understand why another country has not stepped up and offered Mr. Kanute asylum.

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