Sunday, August 28, 2011

This Makes Me Feel So Old!!`

Beloit College in Wisconsin has released its annual "Mindset List" for the incoming college freshmen class and graduatiing class of 2015.  Since most were born in 1993, they shouldn't remember much before 1998 or 1999.  Below are the 13 of the things that today's college freshman do or don't know....get ready to rush for the bottle of Geritol.

#1.)  They have no memory of the George Bush presidency, meaning George H.W. Bush.  In fact, they only have memories of the tail end of the Clinton presidency.
#2.)  Ferris Bueller is no old enough to be their father.
#3.)  "Amazon" makes them think of the website first, the river second.
#4.)  John Wayne Bobbit has always been reattached, and O.J. Simpson has always been searching for the real killers.
#5.)  MP3s have always been available to download, whether legally or illegally.
#6.)  They've never seen the gigantic Sears catalog.
#7.)  They have no memory of Michael Jordan on the Bulls.
#8.)  They never saw "Cheers" on NBC.
#9.)  Major League Baseball has never had fewer than six divisions, and has always had the wild card.
#10.)  Their parents have told them stories about how they fought to get them a Tickle Me Elmo ... when they were three
#11.)  Women have never been too old to have children.
#12.)  They never saw the Soviet Union to then, Russia has never had an official communist party.
#13.)  The phrase "Don't touch that dial" on TV doesn't mean anything to them ... their TV's has never had dials.

1 comment:

  1. Not to give my age away...but, so true, so true!
    The also have no idea what a phone booth is..


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