Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Pope Is Coming To Spain - Gays Are Planning Kiss-In

The Pope is coming to Spain today to join in the celebration of World Youth Day and as he is paraded through the streets in  his transparent "popemobile" he will be welcomed with the sight of gay people locking lips in protest of the religions homophobic view of gays.
The kiss-in is being organised on Facebook by gay groups including Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol, which was set up during popular "indignant" protests that erupted May 15 over Spain's economies woes.
The kiss-in is aimed at protesting the Roman Catholic Church's "moral condemnations of sexuality," a spokesman for the Transmaricabollo group, Jamie del Val, told AFP on Wednesday.
On Facebook, organisers arecalling for a gay-lesbian kiss-in "dedicated to an educational, lewd, and (r)evolutionary celebration of the arrival of the Holy Father Benedict XVI."
Nearly 300 people had signed up for the protest. 
About 200 people did a similar protest when the Pope visited Barcelona in November last year.

On a personal note, I love this type of protest.  Often times, when protesting or opposing a certain issue it becomes not the size of the crowd but the loudness of the voice.  And most of the time shouting is just met with louder shouting and nothing is really accomplished.  This type of "protest" shows that we are here, we have a heart, we have a soul, and all we want is to be loved. Isn't that the basic principal of what everyone on this world wants?

via Towleroad

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