Monday, August 15, 2011

Just Answer the Dahm Questions!!

Ok Michele, we know that you are running for President but it would be nice if you answered some questions.  But I totally understand that you are trying to stay as far away from the hateful bigoted things that you have said in the past in fear that those independents and undecideds don't make up their minds to quickly or see thru that crazy asshat facade of yours.  As for your husband (insert joke there) and his clinic..well I don't even want to get started.  But gurl, you need to answer the questions!!  Cause let me tell you something sista!  You have already gone to far to turn back now and if you don't get back on that gay bashing, burn in hell band wagon, Mr Rick Perry is gonna fly by you in the polls faster than a nascar dad on his way to quick trip for a 12 pack fore the race starts.  I'm just saying!!

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