Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Coming Film - Coriolanus

While searching the web and blogosphere this morning, I happened across the trailer for coming movie that just happens to star one  of my future baby daddies, Gerard Butler.  It looks very intriguing!  Coriolanus is a play written by Shakespear and the screenplay written by John Logan, who has written the screenplay for films such as "The Gladiator" and "Sweeny Todd".  He also has his screenplays currently being worked on for the new bond movie "Bond 23" as well as Spielberg's "Lincoln".   Ray Fiennes directs and stars in Coriolanus and has given it a real twist.   The dialogue spoken by the actors is still that of Shakespear while set in modern day.  Gerard looks absolutely delish and is so good when playing a warrior/soldier instead of those silly rom/coms he has been in latley...blek!   The rest of the cast is composed of quite a fine list of Oscar winners and nominees, such as Vanessa Redgrave, James Nesbitt and newcomer Jessica Chastain.

The film/play hits a very big note in  today's times when it address the relevancy of democracy.  It will probably be a must see with the already awards buzz being talked.

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