Friday, March 22, 2013

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Good morning guys.   Sorry that I haven't caught up ya'll lately but I have been fighting this allergy/sinus infection again ALL WEEK!!!!   I went to work yesterday for the first time this week and I must say that it totally SUCKED!  Everyone seemed to be in really bad moods, projects were changing right and left, a bride cancelled on me for no reason!!!   Just one of those (pardon my french) shitter kinda days!   Still don't feel good and of course we have a very large wedding and a large party to do today.....I'm so looking forward to it....I am almost giddy!!  NOT!!   Sorry for the negative vomit...just not finding much silver lining this morning.

Anywho...I hope that you have a wonderful fabulous day!!!  You deserve it because you are awesome!!!!



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