Sunday, June 10, 2012

Good Morning!!!

Good morning everyone!!!   I hope that you are having a wonderful day!   Well the hubby and I took your advise and we blew off the 'to do list' and we went and saw the movie 'Promethus'.  I am not one who likes scary movies and to me  <------  (big fraidy cat)  it was pretty scary!!!  But that aside, Michael Fassbender looked delish and did a really good job in the film.  Hopefully today we will get some stuff accomplished but I wouldn't bet on it.  LOL

Thank you again so much for stopping by and making RCS part of your blog read list.  When I look at the numbers of people who stop by daily, I can not believe it!!  I'm so glad that you use RCS to find pics of hot guys, some news regarding politics or entertainment or just whatever.   It means so much!   Please become a member if you can and also be sure and join our facebook page!   If you have any suggestions or would like to ask me something...please use the formspring in the upper right corner or send me an email.   I love hearing from you guys!!

Have a wonderful day and I hope that your weekend wraps up great!!



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