
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Good Morning!!

Good morning everyone!   I hope that your holiday weekend is off to a wonderful start!!   I want to thank everyone who sent the wonderful emails sending all of the kinda thoughts about my dad.  The doctors say that he is going to be in the hospital for  at least the next 4 days and then they will re-evaluate as to if he is ready to go back home.  It has been a long hard road since his last surgery and it appears that it is far from over.  

Also, I have one of the most wonderful couples coming to visit for a few days.  They are just the most amazing friends and have been such wonderful support for the hubby and I.  I don't know what we would do without them.  They have got reservations for us to eat at an amazing restaurant tonight, so it will be very nice to get away and just relax and enjoy an awesome dinner with even more amazing friends.  

I hope that you have wonderful plans set out for this weekend and that you have a very relaxing time.  Once again, I say .... if you find yourself at a pool with a cocktail in your hand.  Take a big sip, take a deep breath and think of me!  In fact take a couple of sips for me.  hehehehe



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