
Monday, May 28, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!

Good morning everyone!  I hope that you are having a great morning.  For those of you who are in the U.S., I hope that you are enjoying your holiday today and those of you who are just starting your work week today, I hope that it gets off to a splendid start!!

Our wonderful friends left last night to head back to their home.  We had such a wonderful visit!  Of course we ate and drank way to much!  My father is starting to do and feel better, although we believe that he will be in the hospital for the rest of this week.  And I start my new job tomorrow which I am very excited about.  Still so much to do to be ready.

Thanks again to everyone who stops by my little corner.  I'm sure that for a little while posting will be light until I get a routine down.  But please make sure you check the archives and see if there is something you have missed.  There are a lot of posts out there and some are pretty sexy, some are pretty interesting, and so are just funny!  Also thanks for all of the comments and emails, I really enjoy them!!

Have a great day and we will talk at you laters.




  1. Have a great holiday! and good luck on the new job!

  2. oh what a beautiful morning
    oh what abeautiful day
    with such young man horny
    to delicght all us gay
