Sunday, May 13, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Good morning everyone and I hope that you are having a fabulous weekend.  Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, especially to mine!  I'm just going on record and saying that if the dog doesn't produce a card and some flowers soon, she will find herself in the doghouse for the rest of the day!  Just sayin  :)

Anywho, I want to thank everyone who stops by my little corner of the blogosphere.  I hope that you find something of interest.  The latest happening in government, the latest scandal in Hollywood or the latest hottness  of manliness to hit the web.  I hope I have covered it all here.  If there is something you would like to see or a question you want to ask, you can either email me or send it via formspring.  I also love reading all the comments, so please keep those coming!!!  Also please be sure to join the blogs Facebook page.  A lot more stuff happening over there as well.

Have a wonderful day and wrap this weekend up right!!



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