Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Genius Molds Sex Toys From GOP Approval Ratings

via Queerty

Toymaker Matthew Epler has come up with a delightfully adult take on the GOP presidential primary: butt plugs.

Epler’s taken snapshots of each candidates’ approval ratings (according to Gallup polls) starting at the Iowa debate in December 2011 and proceed to the present day, matching increasing approval with thicker widths.

What we see in Romney’s case (above) is a fairly sustained fat girth, perhaps, a total length of 4 inches. We’re no expert on butt plugs, but we’d say, with a max width of almost 3 inches, the Romney is not for the faint of heart (or small of hole).

While Romney’s, Santorum’s and Gingrich‘s models (left three) are quite wide, less popular-polling candidates Ron Paul, Rick Perry, and Michele Bachmann (right three), the latter two of whom dropped out early, offer easier handling for the less experienced.

If you simply must have them all, the whole set will set you back $350. (Fun for the entire family!). Individual pieces are $45-$65.

Here is an explanation from the genius inventor.

(Note...I think it is a great idea that the GOP start using buttplugs, we all know that they already have an overabundance of douchnozzles.)

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