Thursday, April 5, 2012

No Surpirse ... MDNA Debuts At #1 On Charts

A lot of buzz about the very unsurprising news that Madonna's new album MDNA debuted in the #1 spot on Billboard this week.  This makes Madonna's 8th #1 Album.  She was thrown a "surprise" party to celebrate the news...LOL however she did surprise a lot of people when she started personally answering twitter comments of congratulations.  She even promised some pit seats at upcoming concert venues.   Now that would be an amazing surprise for me!!!  OMG!!  Anyways...Congrats to The Queen!!   Long may She Reign!!

Also, being the ever conscious respectable bloggist here at Rainbow Colored South,  I must be sure and publish the warnings that are coming out about Madonna's new album...please be careful out there and be responsible!!!  That is all!!!

via Lisp

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