Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!

Good  morning everyone!!!   I hope that you are having a great morning and the start to a wonderful weekend.   I am having some terrible technical difficulties with blogger.  The posts that I have pre-scheduled for you guys are not posting at the scheduled time and are having to be manually released.  That is the reason why so many posts happened yesterday and again this morning at the same time.  I apologize for any inconvenience.  

I really am unable to research the problem and attempt to fix it today since my father is likely going to be released from the hospital and I will be traveling back with them to their home city.  I am hoping that blogger figures out what is messed up after they made the huge changes yesterday and gets it fixed....if not and posting comes to a screeching halt for the day, I am very sorry and will get you all caught up when i get back home.  

Anywho, have a wonderful day and thanks for your understanding with the technical issues.  We will get it back up and working soon!   



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