Thursday, April 19, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!

Good morning everyone!   I hope that you are having a wonderful day and that you week is going great!  I am still with my father who remains in the hospital.  The surgery went great and the docotor is very impressed at the speediness of his recovery.  Hopefully we will be able to leave the hospital soon and move him back home to recover there.  Thanks again for all of the wonderful well wishes and thoughts and concerns.  They really mean a lot.

Also thanks for taking the time to stop by the blog, I have been trying to post some things in advance so that at least the blog keeps going even though the stories may be a little behind everyone else.  I still think that they are important posts and want to make sure that the word gets out.  Please take a couple of minutes to like us on our Facebook page, become a member of this blog, and leave comments....they all mean a lot to the blog.

Thanks again for being such a valued fan of the blog and have a great day!!!!

Talk at ya laters



1 comment:

  1. So glad all is going well for your father.
    The photo this morning is one totally hot guy!


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