Sunday, April 8, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!

Good morning everyone!!  Happy Easter and I hope that you are having a great day!   The hubby and I went to dinner last night with some wonderful friends.  We went to a Mexican food restaurant that was having a half off happy hour, so margaritas around the table several times.  The conversation then moved to everyone coming back to our place since I have a big bottle of tequila that really shouldn't be packed up and moved, so we came back to the house and proceeded to have even more margaritas.  Luckily the conversation was so good, it never moved to doing shots of tequila.  LOL

Anywho, is it a bad thing to have a hangover on Easter?  LOL  

Thank you so much again for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere and leaving such wonderful comments and sending emails or formspring messages with recommendations or suggestions.  I love reading it all and hearing from you.  It lets me know that you are out there!  

Thanks again and have a wonderful Easter day!!  If you see a really hot guy hopping round wearing nothing but bunny ears and a cotton tail....send him my way!  :)



1 comment:

  1. Hope your hangover does not las all day and you are able to enjoy the day


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