Friday, April 20, 2012

The Evening News -- Polls Show Voters Least Concerned With Marriage Equality

via Advocate:

The environment, the War in Afghanistan, and health care reform are ranked as higher priorities for voters than banning marriage equality, a new poll shows.

A new poll shows that marriage equality is the least important issue for voters in this upcoming presidential election, with the economy, jobs, and the budget deficit being the most important issues.

The Human Rights Campaign says that results from an April Pew Research Center poll show that support for LGBT rights is strengthening. The data also suggests that African-American and Latino support for gay rights is increasing.

“Americans care about job creation and providing for their families. This latest data reinforces the fact that supporting LGBT equality is not a divisive wedge issue, but rather just common sense,” HRC president Joe Solmonese said in a statement Thursday. “Fair-minded people are increasingly aware that extending rights, benefits, and protections to their LGBT neighbors strengthens the communities they live and work in. To suggest otherwise is a strategy that will fail with voters.”

The survey also shows that people who support environmental, health care, and education improvements favor Obama by double digits. He also has a majority of support from women, college graduates, blacks, Latinos, and lower income voters. Those who rank our relationship with Iran and reducing the federal budget as a high priority favor Romney by double digits. Romney is also leading among independent voters, whites, men, Protestants, and Catholics.

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