Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ted Olson On Prop 8 Decision

As we all know yesterday was a huge step towards equality when the 9th Circuit Court ruled that Prop 8 was unconstitutional.  Ted Olson, one of the lead attorneys in our case spoke last night with Rachel Maddow and explained the ruling in great detail.

Then this morning via JMG, I read the opinion of Shannon Minter, legal counsel for the National Center for Lesbian Rights in regard to the United States Supreme Court hearing the appeal ...

"Given the reasoning of the Ninth Circuit's decision and its focus on the specific circumstances that led to the enactment of Prop 8 in California, it may be a tall order for the supporters of Prop 8 to persuade the Supreme Court to take the case. The Supreme Court normally only accepts cases when different federal appellate courts have reached opposite conclusions on the same legal issues, or where a decision has broad national implications. The Ninth Circuit's California-focused decision presents neither of those circumstances. Unless the Supreme Court breaks with its own tradition and intervenes in the case, it's possible that wedding bells will be ringing in California again before the end of the year."

Could the end to this very long road finally be coming into sight?  We can only hope so!!

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