Friday, February 10, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!

Good morning everyone!!!   I hope that your have had a fabulous week and are ready to get started on a brilliant weekend!!   The weather here is going to be cold with a possibility of snow all weekend, so I am going to try and get most of my errands run this afternoon so that I don't have to get out should the weather get bad.  I would much rather cuddle with the hubby on the couch and be warm instead of deal with icy road conditions and chaos at Wal-Mart.  

Anywho, here is a question for  all of you this morning.  How in the heck did we keep in touch with people before Facebook, cell phones and the like.  I mean honestly!?!  The reason I ask is because the other day, I received a friend request from a very dear friend that I lost track of and haven't spoken to in 25 years.  We exchanged cell #'s and spoke for nearly 3 hours on the phone last night catching up.   I was so wonderful to hear from her again and we hope to be able to meet back up sometime soon.  Weird part, we lived in the same city for 3 years and unfortunately never ran into one another.  But it is so good to back in touch.

Anywhore, have a fabulous day, and if there is a friend that you haven't talked to in some time, take a couple of minutes to look them up and check in on them today.



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