Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!

Good morning everyone!!   I hope that you are having a fabulous week so far.  It is half way over .... thank goodness!!  Not much really to report here today.  Have a few errands that I need to try and get done today.  The hubby has a light work schedule and will be home early today, so probably more snuggling on the couch and catching up on television shows....OOOOH speaking of television shows!  Did anyone watch the series opener for the new show "Smash' Monday night on NBC or watch the free download that has been out for a couple of weeks?   We watched it yesterday and OMG I totally love this show!   I remember little Katherine McPhee when she was on American Idol but now WOW she is amazing and is so good in the show.  I really am anxious to see how this show goes.  I think they are is a Smash!!

Anyslut,  I hope that you have a fabulous day and thanks again for stopping by and checking things out!  Cya laters!



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