Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Morning Wood!!

Good morning everyone!   I hope that you are having a good start to another short week for those of you who had the pleasure of a holiday yesterday.  If you didn't...well your one day closer to the weekend!!  It is pretty chilly here this morning and I am sitting here in my flannel jamas with a huge cup of coffee.  Have some errands to run today and a pile of laundry that no matter how much washing I do, never seems to go away!!   The joys of being a gay house husband :)

Anywho, I just want to thank everyone who has been visiting regularly and leaving comments and rating the posts.  It really helps me to know what you guys like to read about and see...I obviously know you love the near naked bois  :)   I still don't have a regular thing chosen for Thursdays and would love any suggestions you might have....I am currently leaning toward tattoos but let me know what you like seeing!!!

Have a wonderful day and we will talk at ya laters.



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