Sunday, January 15, 2012

Edna Jean Robinson Calls Out Rick Santorum In 'It Gets Better' Video

I remember Ms. Edna Jean from when I lived in Dallas back...well lets just say some time ago.  She has now made an 'It Gets Better' video but with a twist.  She says to stand up and confront your bullies and call them for what they are.  I do agree with this idea that you need to stand up for yourself, but I do caution that it needs to be done when and if you are not in danger.  If you believe that the bully could become violent then perhaps this isn't a good idea.  I definitely love her idea of taking your camera and videoing anytime you see someone bullying and upload it to youtube.  Call the bully out for their actions!  And this definitely applies to the likes of Rick 'Frothy Mix' Santorum, Michelle 'Crazy Eyes' Bachman, Rick 'Closet Case' Perry and any of the other GOP candidates who are spewing their hate to audiences where impressionable children are in attendance.  I think it is a great idea!!  What do you think?

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