Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good Morning Everyone!!

Well, we have made it through to the extended long weekend!  I am currently running around the house throwing stuff into suitcases, preparing to hit the road to go to Dallas for the weekend to spend Thanksgiving with some wonderful friends.  If you are traveling today, please be safe and remember that everyone including yourself is in the holiday hurry.  Please take a few moments to breath, relax and stay as calm as possible. I hope that you reach you destination safely.

I also want to take this time to say how thankful I am for each and every one of you.  Visiting my little cake sprinkled sight on the webosphere.  I means so much to me and I hope that every time you visit you find something fun, informative or lickable :)  

I will try to post as often as I can while away but it might be light during the holiday.  Please take some time to peruse prior posts and hopefully you will find something to interest you.  Also please remember to rate and comment on the posts, it helps me to determine what you enjoy seeing or reading on the blog.  Also you can email any ideas or recommendations to me anytime at

Wishing you a blessed and safe holiday.  All my love!



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