Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kristin Chenoweth - The Gays Favorite Witch

In the Broadway play Wicked, she made us realize that OMG, I didn't bring enough Kleenex.  In her guest appearances in Glee, she reminded us that gurlfriend has got some pipes!  And next week, with the release of her new CD, Some Lessons Learned, she will show us that she is still a southern girl at heart!   Also, this coming fall she will be playing, Carlene Cockburn (sounds like a drag name) in the ABC show, "Good Christian Belles"  I still prefer the original title of "Bitches" but oh wells.   Anywhore, she was recently interviewed by The Advocate and gave a very heartfelt interview.  Below are two of my favorite question/answers during the interview;

You have said, “Just because I'm Christian doesn't mean I don’t question things — God gave us a brain for a reason.” What would you ask people who cite Christianity as their justification for passing laws that discriminate against people?I would ask, “What would Jesus do?” [Laughs] It sounds so cliché and Pollyanna-ish, but I have a feeling if he were on the earth today, he wouldn’t be walking around saying, “You’re going to hell” and “You’re wrong, you’re wrong, you’re wrong.” I think he’d be accepting and loving. I always use this as an example: What would I do if it was a sin to be short? That’s the way God made me, so what could I do? Let’s see, I could wear heels, I could tease my hair, and maybe on a good day I could be 5'1". But the bottom line is, I’m 4'11" and that’s the way I was put together. And that’s what I believe about homosexuals. And I love, love that this has become a purpose in my life. It’s one that I didn’t ever expect. “What would Jesus do?” That’s my answer
Do you think Christians get a bad rap?Yeah, I think we do it to ourselves. But I also think there are a lot of Christians who believe like me. My family is very much like me. But I did grow up in the Bible belt — and you know what comes with that. My Grandma Chenoweth told me something when I was growing up. My [gay] best friend — I’ve talked about him many times, his name’s Denny. I asked my Grandma Chenoweth, “How can it be that he’s going to hell? I just don’t think that correct.” And she said, “Well, Kris, I read the Bible like I eat fish: I take the meat, and it serves me well, but I don’t choke on the bone.”
Interesting.It is interesting. And I think she was on to something. “I take the meat that serves me well, but I don’t choke on the bone.” I read my Bible and I pray and all of that — I really do. But at the same time, I don’t think being gay is a sin. Period.
Love me some Kris!!  Can't wait to hear her new CD and to see her stir up some "belle"yness on the new ABC "bitchy" show!

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