Friday, January 20, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!! T.G.I.F!!

Good morning everyone!!!   I hope that you are having a fabulous FRIDAY!!!   The weekend is here and I am sooooo excited that it is!!  I think the hubby and I will try and hit up a couple of movies this weekend.  I know that he just finished reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo so I am pretty sure that he is going to want to see the movie.  Of course, I would never pass up the opportunity to see Daniel Craig running around and looking all kinds of sexy!!!  The weather has been absolutely beautiful here the past couple of days and this weekend would be a wonderful time to get out.  Maybe we can take the dog to the park and let her get some exercise.   She needs exercise about as bad as her mommy (me) does!!

Anywhore,  I hope that you have an awesome day and that the start to weekend is incredible.



1 comment:

  1. good morning. my friend. Sounds like good plans for the weekend.
    Oh... I like your After Dark post idea!


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