Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gay Groups Meet With Dallas Mayor Regarding Marriage Equality Pledge!!

When I reviewed the list last week of the US City Mayors who had signed the pledge to support marriage equality, I was kind of shocked to see that Dallas was not on the list.  Well now I know why, Mayor Mike Rawlings is refusing to sign the pledge.

He has agreed to meet with gay groups today to discuss the matter but says that he will not give in and sign.  He says;

"We (mayors meeting in Washington DC) were getting off track and dealing with some partisan politics, some issues that I don't think are relevant to the lion's share of the citizens of Dallas, so chose not to do it,"

He has done press conferences during pride week showing support and was even on a float during this year's pride parade.  He has shown support in the past, so I do not understand why he isn't now.  I know how organized the gay organizations are in Dallas...they will prepare for a good fight!

via Towleroad

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