Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!

Good morning everyone!!   I hope that you are having a wonderful morning on what is hopefully starting out to be a great weekend.  Yesterday, the hubby and I went out to grab some lunch and then to run a few errands.  While we were gone, I suddenly felt like someone had just zapped all of the energy right out of me!  I was so tired.  We returned home and I laid down to take a nap and slept from 2pm till after 8pm.  I woke up eat a little something and went back to bed and slept till this morning.  That was very weird and hasn't happened to me in a very long time!   Anywho, this morning I still woke up needing my coffee  LOL.

Thanks to all the people who commented yesterday, I really enjoyed reading them and how much you enjoyed the posts.  Please keep them coming!!!   Have a great day!!!



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